Monday, April 29, 2013

Class Survey....Please take a moment

Click here to take survey
Please take a moment to fill out this survey.  I am doing my capstone paper for my masters on flipped learning.  Flipped learning is when the lecture portion of a class is sent home in the form of a video.  That frees up class time to work with small groups, one to one, etc.  I am curious about your feelings on the video lessons that your children have been working on for their homework this year.  I want to continue to improve upon my teaching methods.  Thank you so much in advance for your time.
Mrs. Redmond

Sunday, April 28, 2013

New Life and Baby Chicks

We are hatching chicks in kindergarten!  Our incubator is filled with a mixture of 12 different kinds of chick eggs.  The flip books we made document the chicks journey out of the egg.  With the egg tooth (it falls off after hatching); the chick will make a small pip, then what we call a zipper, and finally with all the strength the chick can muster, it will push its way out of the egg. The chicks are due to hatch around May 14.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Making Sentences for Tuesday, April 23rd

Turn in your complete sentences from step four on Tuesday, April 23rd. If you have access to a printer and would like to share, turn in your stories from step 1 as well. Thanks and enjoy!
Create your own Playlist on MentorMob!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Visitor Etiquette

Visitor Etiquette - How to Be Safe on Our Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog.  We LOVE having visitors, and especially ones that leave us comments but it's really important for our safety and yours that you follow these simple rules when commenting on our blog.

1. Please do not use last names that will refer back to students in the class on this blog.  Feel free to post as "Billy's Mom" or "Cindy's Grandpa".  This blog will only contain the first names of the children in the class, and in some occasions only student initials.

2. Please do not post any personal contact information  such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or home addresses.

3. Please use only positive language.  Our goal is to do our very best and that will look different for each of us.  Please celebrate our achievements with us.

4. If you see anything that you think should not be on our blog, please tell Mrs. Redmond as soon as possible.

Jack and the Bean Stock

After reading Jack and the Bean Stock, we planted bean seeds.  We tried planting a few seeds in a bag with a wet tissue.  We were able to see the roots growing long before we saw the stem.  Will our seeds grow into the clouds where the giant lived?  We will need more sun for that!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Author Study of Eric Carle

Click here to reach Eric Carle's site
We have been studying Eric Carle's books.  We discussed our favorite characters in his books and also our favorite Eric Carle book.  His art work interested us the most.  Follow the link above for more information about this author.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ABC Order For Tuesday, April 23rd

Click here for homework playlist.

One of my literacy learning objectives this week and next is alphabetical order.  I am trying a new platform for homework.  Follow the link above for your homework playlist. Be sure to follow all three steps in the playlist. Let me know what you and your child think of the new format below in the comments section.
Thank you,
Mrs. Redmond

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Story Hand with Rainbow Fish

Design your own story hand with the story elements from Rainbow Fish by

Marcus Pfister.