Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Word Work for Tuesday Feb. 5...Digraph of sh

Today we have two guest speakers helping with this word work.  They were good sports and humored me by helping with this!  Don't laugh too hard!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Parts of a Story

Pick out the elements of a story next time you read a book.

-10 Degrees....... We might as well have fun!

     Our class performed two Science experiments with the cold weather.  First, we blew bubbles to see what would happen. We found out that the bubbles froze immediately and when we touched them they turned to snow.  Then we held up a wet t-shirt.  In five minutes, it froze solid!  This is what the t-shirt looked like after five minutes.  Now we know why it is important to cover our skin in cold weather.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Balanced Literacy

Follow link below for a description of balanced literacy and some of the research behind it. Balanced literacy is the philosophy SCCS has adopted for teaching reading and writing.

Click here for article on balanced literacy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Check Out Our New Blog Design

While you are checking out our new design. Be sure to answer our books survey question on the right. Happy reading!!!